Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Good News for People who Love Bad News

Yes, I stole that from the Modest Mouse album. The band has nothing to do with this post, but I truly did receive the best news yesterday. When I arrived home last night, I had a manila envelope outside my door with a letter and new lease agreement notifying me my rent is going DOWN as of June 1. Can you believe it?!? It's quite possible I've never been happier. Such unexpected good news!! Given that I qualify for subsidized housing and apparently, due to something called fair market rents, my rent amount will be decreased. I consider moving from time to time, to suburbia for cheaper rent, but I guess I'll be sticking around a while.


MD said...

And how will you spend your newfound money???

I suggest icecream and a solid gold, diamond encrusted spoon. Oh, and a tiara.

wearingthepants said...

A tiara sounds fun -- I don't think I've ever owned one!!

Unfortunately, probably just spend it on gas. I drive a gas guzzler!

MD said...

Oh yeah??? I've got a guzzler of my own, maybe they know each other? I've got a Dodge Durango.

How far is your commute?

wearingthepants said...

I have a Jeep Cherokee. Perhaps they knew one another in a former lifetime??

My commute is about 50 miles round-trip. Yours?

MD said...

I know this might sound like I'm trying to one-up you, but it's 50 one way. But I do have a commuter car to eat up those miles.

There are no biotech jobs down here, but I love where I live. Such a dilemna!

wearingthepants said...

Damn, that sucks. What are gas prices there? We just jumped into the $3 range last week.

Funny, when I first read biotech, I thought it said "biotch."

MD said...

Ha! It feels like I'm working at biotch job!

Gas is $3.15 right around the corner. Funny, when I went out this morning it was $3.05, but jumped up by the time I got back. Bastards!

CT has a lot of taxes on gas, so it's like 2.90 or so up near work in MA.

I'm thinking of just dumping all my money into scratch tickets...

wearingthepants said...

Yeah, I just love how they jack up the prices for weekend travelers with Mother's Day and the fishing opener.