The Unavailable Man
There's a Sex & the City episode where Carrie, restless in her carefree relationship, tells her boyfriend, Aidan, she wishes he were less available to her. When Aidan follows her suggestion, Carrie begins to freak out at the prospect of losing him. In turn, this triggers the butterflies in her stomach, the feeling she'd been missing. I always believed this unavailable man theory to be true, but I heard something interesting on the radio this morning.
On KDWB, psychic Gary Spivey, told a female caller who claimed she was still hung up on her ex-husband that she actually was just playing passive-aggressive games with her ex, whom she didn't still love. Spivey insisted the woman was in love with her current boyfriend only, and that if she didn't cease her passive-aggressive ways, he would leave her, and she'd continue the cycle and wind up a cat lady.
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