Sunday, May 6, 2007

A Life So Solitary

Have you ever lived alone? Let me clarify. Not the kind of alone where your boyfriend or girlfriend's name isn't on the lease, but he/she essentially lives there.

When I had college roommates, I often longed for peace and quiet and time to myself. But that was never really feasible, short of getting your own hotel room I suppose, which isn't realistic considering most college students don't have money to throw around. Or even if you were fortunate enough to have your own room, you were never really alone. Friends were always in the near vicinity.

As we get older, more and more of us are starting to pair off and priorities begin to shift. 2008 is going to be a big year for weddings. It'd be silly for me to call up my married friends with kids to tell them about the asshole who cut me off in traffic or how I heard the song on the radio that reminded me of the time we cut class in high school when they have real problems to deal with like changing a screaming baby's diaper.

While I cherish my privacy and freedom, it can be hard at times. I wouldn't trade it for a roommate, that's for sure. But sometimes you have something stupid you wanna say, but there's no one to hear it. In part, I guess that's what this blog is for. I think it would be beneficial for everyone to experience living on their own before getting married. Living alone teaches you a great deal about yourself you may not have otherwise learned. If only it were more affordable.


MD said...

I've been living alone for about 6 years now and I LOVE IT! What's not to like about being King of the Castle?

I probably won't be living alone for much longer, but I'll cherish this time I have...

wearingthepants said...

When's the wedding?? Is that when she's moving in with you or before then?

MD said...

The wedding plans are still up in the air, but it looks like I might sell my place and buy another place closer to both our jobs in the next year or so. That is, if the housing market starts to improve. At that point she's thinking of renting her place out and then....the merge.

wearingthepants said...

Should I be one of those annoying people who asks why you don't have a date set?!? j/k.

MD said...

You can ask, it's more annoying when the same person asks when I see them every week!