Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Just Kill Me Now

It's a good thing there are no windows in the dungeon of my cube location, for I surely would have thrown myself from the nearest one by now. It was Quizno's day and a lousy one at that, filled with miscellaneous Deborah tasks, primarily writing and proofreading emails. The work I don't mind so much, but her stories are pure agony! I wouldn't subject this kind of torture upon my worst enemy.


MD said...

You should take a cue from The Office. Start messing with her!

Get her one those fitness balls for her to sit on and watch as she struggles to stay upright.

Speak really quietly to her and insist she probably has spider eggs in her ears muffling the sound. Better yet, PUT spider eggs in her ears!

wearingthepants said...

LOL, so she's deathly afraid of rodents and insects. I was at Target the other day and almost bought this rubber snake to stick in her cube. But she almost had a heart attack when I taped up pictures of Scottish Fold cats (their ears lay down flat)so I can only imagine her reaction to a snake. But it totally made me think of Jim and Dwight! Maybe I should just do it...

MD said...

There should be no "maybe" about it! The best part is, you can tape your pranks and send them to NBC. Maybe they'll play 'em during the commercials!